I got to spend some time with my best friends today. We used to see each other at work every day and always ate lunch together, but they’ve imposed
martial law stricter scheduling, so we just don’t get to spend time together anymore. Our solution was to have a monthly date where we either eat breakfast or lunch and spend pretty much the whole day bitching about discussing the office and everything else going on in our lives.
My blog was the topic of conversation as well. The consensus was that they like it, but apparently, one is not a fan of the blog style of writing, which is more conversational than grammatically correct.
“You don’t start a sentence with ‘so’.”
Then there was some grumbling about millennials and how the loss of the art of handwriting is leading to the decline of western civilization.
I may be exaggerating somewhat.
So, yeah. (That was for you, Buddy.)
Anyway, I think one of the things I enjoy most about our days together is that I force myself to unplug and be present in the moment. These days, it seems I’m attached to all manner of devices: my laptop, my tablet, my phone. When I’m not working my day job, I’m writing, editing and publishing posts. I’m searching for and editing photos and graphics. I’m promoting and trying to be seen on Social Media. In the middle of all this, I’m constantly checking the analytics to see what’s working and what’s not.
Oh, and I’m also trying to play Wife, Mom, and Mimi.
It’s a lot, to say the least.
It can get frustrating, too. When the numbers don’t look the way they should, you can make yourself a little crazy. You can get a little obsessed. You can watch and look and watch and look…and nothing seems to change.
Then you unplug for one day, get recharged, and jump back online only to find that one silly Tweet got chosen for a “Moment” on Twitter and you’ve had 7 “retweets” and 38 “likes” by people you’ve never met.
The Tweet?
#MyCreditCardTellsMe not to drink and Prime.
Who knew my shopping habits would be so compelling?
Who knew I could be funny in 140 characters or less?
Then I came home and discovered The Husband Dude getting into the spirit of his favorite holiday. He roped Shane into posing with him, but Shane was just trying to be chill.
Am I biased, or is he just a good looking kid?!? THD is pretty good looking himself, when he isn’t painted up like a deranged jack-o-lantern.
So…(sorry Buddy)…anyway…here are this week’s highlights!
In Case You Missed It
This last week I went to the casino for a little fun and I introduced my family.
I also cried at This Is Us with the rest of America and got my Tweet noticed!
I appreciate you all for reading this blog and offering support. Please share with anyone you think would enjoy reading my ramblings. Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.
You all rock! 🙂
Good Job Baby 💖