Hello, Friends! How are you doing right now? I mean, how are you REALLY doing?
Some people I know are really hitting the wall with this whole Covid-19 situation. A lot of people are on their second and third week of isolation and/or working from home and I can tell that stress is running high and patience is low. Some of y’all are going stir crazy, and that’s understandable.
Okay…it’s NOT understandable to me, but that’s because I could stay in my house for 3 months and never miss seeing people. I’ve come to accept I’m probably not normal.
In an ironic twist of cosmic cruelty, my job is considered essential, and though I could easily perform it at home, I am required to report to the office. It’s like the Universe is forcing me to try to be more of a people person.
Anyway, as many of you as I see trying to do the right thing and lay low to flatten the curve, I’m observing an awful lot of people who don’t believe this is a serious situation and would prefer to be the Typhoid Mary of the 21st century. These people are angry at the inconvenience of it all and believe that the projected death rates are either blown out of proportion or are “acceptable”.
You people are solidifying the whole reason I was a “social distancer” before it was a thing, and you are the reason I will continue to stay away from people after this is over.
As my aunt V used to say, “You make my butt want to suck lemons.”

After the CDC finally recommended that EVERYONE wear a mask while out, I had to make a trip to CVS. I wore my cute kitty cat mask that a coworker’s mother made for me:

I was the only one in CVS wearing one, including the people working there.
In a drugstore.
Where sick people congregate to buy things.
I could tell there were people looking at me like they haven’t seen 20,000 times on the news or their social media that this is now a common recommendation.
It wasn’t until I was getting ready to leave that an older man walked in wearing a bandana over his face, looking like Jesse James about to rob the Wells Fargo stagecoach, that I finally felt “normal”.
The Husband Dude was able to take advantage of some of the new regulations regarding FMLA and the Covid-19 situation, so he is now at home for the forseeable future. That means I now have a house-husband and I expect a clean house and dinner on the table at 6 p.m. on the dot. I also expect to see him vacuuming in pearls and high heels.
Just kidding. If he actually read this blog, he’d be really annoyed with me for saying that.
I’ll settle for a house that isn’t going to end up on an episode of Hoarders and something edible to eat some time before I go to bed at 9 p.m. Pearls and heels, though, are still a requirement.
Don’t look at me that way.

Shane started his “distance learning” this week too, which means he’ll be doing all of his assignments online. The really cool thing about our school district is that all the high school kids already had Chromebooks that they did the majority of their work on anyway. They were pretty much set up for and ready for handling things online, so the only difficulty will be in getting extra help when he needs it. Kudos to the hard-working teachers, though. They’re setting up all kinds of ways for the kids to reach them for help.
I seem to remember reading a story in school that was supposed to be about a little girl in the “future”. And by future, I mean 1995. Her house was like The Jetsons and she “went” to school in her living room in front of a computer with a TV-type screen where she could see and talk to the robot teacher.
Well, the teachers aren’t robots (unless you ask the conspiracy theorists), but a lot of what I read about has come to pass. We have computers that we’re using for distance learning from houses that are quite automated. I mean, we do have robot vacuums and mops and we’ve got wire taps Alexa and Google that answer questions, turn our lights on and off, play music and lock the front door.
You can order food and pay for it on an app, then have it delivered to your home, without having to ever get yourself or your wallet out.
I can write all kinds of ridiculous things and publish them for the world to see, without having a job at a newspaper, magazine or a book deal.
I’m still waiting for those flying cars, though. And don’t tell me we already have them. We have prototypes. We won’t “have” them until they are actually a regular thing out in the real world.

So crazy that my son is going to school, talking to his teachers and having group meetings with his classes all from his desk in his room.
As usual, though, this pandemic has brought out the flat-out wackos. I mean, I knew they were out there. I just didn’t realize how many of them there were. Thanks to social media, I no longer have confidence that our species will be able to prevent extinction, and it will, in fact, be a welcome event.
It’s a shame the dinosaurs didn’t survive. They would’ve done a much better job with this planet.
But I digress…
Back to the wackos. I usually just shake my head and keep scrolling rather than engage the crazies on social media, but even I can’t resist sometimes. There are days when the sarcasm rises like bile in my throat the morning after a crazy night of letting your college boyfriend take tequila shots off your belly button and drinking suicide punch out of a trash can.
Not that I would know anything about that.
A few days ago, one of the people on my neighborhood Facebook group asked why our response is so significant for this virus as compared to previous things. Not really what the neighborhood FB group is for, but whatever.
That’s when Mr. Conspiracy Theorist decided this was his platform to show off his special brand of crazy:

I couldn’t resist. I mean, I was powerless over the cray-cray and I succumbed with this response (I left other people’s responses in the screenshot to show you that I was not the first one to think this idiot was a dumbass):

Unfortunately, this guy thought I was engaging him, and even worse, that I somehow agreed with him. I don’t know how my response would be taken as anything other than absolute sarcasm, but apparently being stupid goes hand in hand with lunacy. I really didn’t want to state the obvious to him and tell him I was trolling him, so instead I let Weird Al do the talking:
He probably still didn’t get it.
Stay weird, my friends. Normal is boring!
You’ve done it again, provided a good read and laughter.
I can’t get the visual of THD in pearls and heals out of my head! Instant giggles.
I dont get that you are not allowed to work from home. I think your work “uniform” should be mask and gloves and tin hat.
Miss you. Big virtual hug.
I’ve thought about coming in with a mask on and see if they send me home. LOL
I’m with MorningStar. I want a pic of him in his high heels and pearls!
You and MorningStar both saw him in heels when he wore his KISS costume to your Halloween party! The pearls may be trickier…
my job is considered essential, and though I could easily perform it at home, I am required to report to the office. <–mine too. I am at higher risk due to age and two bouts with Pneumonia. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
How frustrating! I’m not at higher risk for health issues, but my age apparently makes me more likely to get sicker. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that!
My job is considered essential but yesterday I sat at work watching netflix and fielded a grand total of one phone call. Once a week or so I “work from home” aka sit in my pajamas all day and pay video games while occasionally answering an email from a client that feels their stuff is of great importance and should be done immediately despite everything being shut down and preventing that from happening.
I’ve re-learned the hard lesson that I should not be allowed on social media because it ruins all faith I had in humanity, which in all honesty is very little. It makes me wonder why we’re just not allowed to kill them all and I’ve now seriously considered becoming a serial killer. I mean I’ve watched enough Dexter that I think I could do it. Our state just made a big announcement that abortions are considered elective surgeries, in a not so brilliant moment I started reading the comments and was absolutely appalled at the responses, on both sides. I do not understand why people can’t just agree to disagree. I mean this thing devolved into personal death threats. Of course I made one smarmy comment and I’m still getting hate mail 🙂 And it was TOTALLY sarcastic. I even put the winky face!
It doesn’t help that I’m basically on my 8th month of social isolation because of two knee surgeries last winter. And I’m still pissy that my knee surgery to fix my knee surgery is considered elective and put off indefinitely. Seriously though, a serial killer on a walker, it’d make for a good netflix movie, no?
I would totally watch that show. Funny that you bring up Dexter, because I watched the whole series but The Husband Dude never did, so we are binge watching it now!
Do you live in Oklahoma? Because our governor announced that abortions are elective surgeries, but I think one of the High Courts ruled against that for now. And no, I can’t read the comments on stories anymore. People are just stupid…AND crazy!
No, Alaska. I guess we’re not the only state though, I read about Texas doing it as well this morning. I’m not allowed to comment on stuff anymore, I kinda got myself banned from Facebook. Oopsie! Not really sorry though lol
LOL. That’s right. I do recall that you live in Alaska. I guess there are several states trying to take advantage of the pandemic to push their agendas.
Yeah absolutely. And I’m over here all “Can someone just cut my knee open and fix it then I promise I’ll stay home?” but nope.
The quarantine wouldn’t bother me if I still lived with my boyfriend. The hardest part of this is being stuck in the apartment all day every day with my mother and not being able to see my boyfriend to unwind. Since he’s an essential worker, I wouldn’t be stuck with him all the time, and I’m pretty sure I would carry on with life as usual. Most of my classes were already online and I’m actually not struggling with statistics moving online as much as I thought I would. Also, my room is getting very clean because I have nothing else to do!
I went to the grocery store yesterday to reup on food and supplies. They have a sign up requiring people to wear masks, and there were still people walking around without. We’re doomed as a species.
Yeah, not being with the boyfriend would really suck!
I loved readingthis. Cheered me up x
Good to “see” you on here, Pip! 🙂
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