I was working on a totally different topic when real life seemed to take over. What did John Lennon always say…”Life is what happens to you while you’re making other plans.”
Well, here is what we planned.
The Husband Dude and I were going to take Thursday and Friday off to spend the last of Spring Break with Shane and do some things as a family. Or rather, THD was going to take the days off. I got permission to work from home so we could do some things together and I would jump on my laptop from time to time to get things done.
Here’s what actually happened.
A close family member had a nasty fall that landed him in the hospital and is requiring round the clock care now for the time being. Then, a friend exploded with drama and THD got caught in the crossfire. And finally, my work laptop charger decided to quit working. All of these led to me not getting my blog post completed.
What in the actual hell?
The family is working on solutions for the family member who fell.
THD is using avoidance as his strategy to deal with the drama-friend-situation. You know. If you don’t make eye contact, it’ll just go away.
I’m using my personal laptop charger to keep my work laptop running while it’s plugged in, but it won’t actually charge it because they aren’t 100% compatible.
And now I’m writing a blog post about it, because what else can I do?
Happy Spring Break to us!
Incidentally, for two people who try to avoid drama at all costs, it sure seems to pop up a lot in our lives. It’s like we’re constantly tip-toeing through a pasture, trying not to step in a cow patty. No matter how careful you are, you’re going to end up with crap on your boots.
When I worked at Satan’s Butthole, I called myself a crap magnet because it seemed like if there was a shitty, convoluted situation with no easy resolution, it would find its way to my desk.
I’m learning that the crap magnet works off duty too. If there’s a drama to be found, or something completely over the top crazy or stupid, it will land on us. I’d write a book about it but nobody would believe it’s real and if I wrote it as fiction, critics would pan it for being too unbelievable.
Speaking of crap magnets, I still attract shit at my new job, except I get compensated extra for my trouble. I like to think of myself as Harvey Keitel’s character in Pulp Fiction, “Mr. Wolf”.
Need somebody to dispose of a car with a dead guy in it? Just call me. I’ll handle it.
The one bright spot today was seeing “Captain Marvel” at the movies. A female character who can kick ass…I needed that today. Also, an impromptu sushi dinner with THD while Shane went to hang out with a friend. It’s always good to recharge the marital battery.
At least something is recharging today.
I guess it can only get better from here, right?
I think I’ve trained everyone in my life to know that there’s no point in bringing drama my way because they will not enjoy my response, or lack thereof. Has it lost me friends? Sure. Don’t care. And if I accidentally create any of my own, I pull myself out of it, apologize and try not to make no excuses. Has it lost me friends? Sure. LOL But I have peace and quiet. LOL
Allen, I’ve learned that lesson well. I’m very good at it. The Husband Dude, however, has a much larger heart than I do and he wants to love people and be friends, even if they are toxic to him. We you bring drama to my doorstep once, you have to jump through a million hoops to prove it’ll never happen again. He’s all about second, third and twentieth chances. It’s one of the traits I love about him but that also frustrates the hell out of me!
He’s a bigger man than I. I’m always envious of people who can have that much faith in others. I’m too old, fat, and tired. LOL
Me too, Fren!
My kitchen at work the other day was a LITERAL crap magnet. As in, the sewage pipes in our school are fucked up and for the 4th or 5th time THIS SCHOOL YEAR we had shit water flowing up through the drains into the kitchen. I had to use the employee bathroom (because running to the front of the school to use the bathrooms there wasn’t an option. The student bathrooms closest to us were closed because sewage was backing up in there and the teacher’s lounge as well.), slipped in the shit water (it was in there as well, a couple inches deep) and got my pants soaking wet. The field mgr (she’s higher up than my actual mgr and she’d come in to see what the situation was) had the NERVE to ask me if I wanted to stay and serve even though I was covered from the knee to the ankle in SHIT WATER.
I said no, I’m going home. Because I was just DONE at that point.
So my mgr has the balls to come to me yesterday and tell me that I NEED to start keeping an extra pair of pants at work because of potential shit water situations though they swear up and down it’s fixed now. It’s probably not ‘fixed’. And the dept admins are sending pizza today because we ‘handled’ the situation so well.
No…we didn’t ‘handle’ it. The crew didn’t do anything but mop up shit water after the school’s plumber backed it up into our fucking kitchen and if they health inspector had walked in, she’d have fucking shut us down.
That’s disgusting! And probably extremely illegal! You should have to keep extra pants at work in case of shit water. You win this week’s crap magnet award!
Thank you.
It turns out the REASON we were having sewer issues is because some idiot kid flushed a fucking hoodie. HOW ON EARTH DO YOU DO THAT???? WHY do you do that?????
And then when the dept admin staff brought pizza today they were like, “Teehee! I hope it doesn’t happen again!” and I was like “For real?”
Damn! That kid has skills! Your admin dept needs a swift kick in the…
Hey Kat, I think she wins…lol!
The older I get the less I can tolerate drama and it’s reigning queens. Take that shit somewhere else, life is too short and you ‘ve exceeded my limit.
Sorry your plans got a bit hosed up, but in the long run …recharging the marriage is way more important than recharging the laptop.
So true! The marriage is more important!
“I guess it can only get better from here?” !!!!! Are you trying to tempt the powers that be?!!!!! LOL. I learned a very long time ago not to do that. Sounds like you had a stressful moment there, but it’s working out now. Whew! Hope you have a much better weekend! Mona
Thanks, Mona!