Ok, y’all, I just want you to know that I’m literally typing this on my cell phone keyboard. I don’t have a clue how this will look, but I remembered that I hadn’t written a post and some of you actually look forward to reading what I write ON SCHEDULE, so here we are.
That’s how much I love you.
So I’m standing here in my bathroom with a cleansing mask on my face, while The Husband Dude takes a shower and tries to carry on a conversation that I’m only half paying attention to.
On a side note, I’m REALLY good at occasionally chuckling, or saying “right???” or “uh-huh” and making it seem like I’m paying attention. Throwing in “that’s funny” helps too.
It’s my own fault I’m standing here trying to blog while my face looks like an old clay pot, cracking in the sun. I started watching The Assasination of Gianni Versace on Netflix, which is a terrible name for a docu-drama, but it was produced by the same people who brought you that turd The People vs OJ Simpson starring John Travolta as Robert Shapiro, so I had to pretty much see this shitstorm to the end.
Ya feel me?
When it finally wrapped up with a bullet in Andrew Cunanan’s brain (I don’t feel like this merits a spoiler alert because I think we all know how this story went, kind of like the OJ movie), I realized I had wasted another ten or so hours of my life watching a dramatic portrayal of yet another real-life 90’s crime that I’m freakin’ old enough to remember watching as it played out in real life.
Also, that I hadn’t written a blog post to publish on Tuesday.
So upstairs I went to retrieve my laptop when I realized it hadn’t been plugged in and charged. I didn’t feel like unplugging the cord and carrying it all downstairs so that it could be plugged in while I write, so here we are back in the bathroom with clay face and a cell phone.
THD hasn’t caught on yet that I’m not paying attention to him, but that pretty much sums up our marriage.
Don’t judge. I know damned good and well that as soon as I start talking “shop” his eyes glaze over and he starts thinking about his next tattoo, or what he’s going to snack on when he can cut loose to the kitchen, or whatever the hell Dudes think about when they are pretending to pay attention to their wives.
I’ve learned that trying to write a blog on a cell phone web browser really sucks. It sucks almost as much as trying to comment on my friends’ blogs and having to prove I’m not a robot by “clicking on all the pictures with a bicycle in them”.
Look, Allen…my eyesight has gotten so bad that I can’t see even WITH my glasses and I don’t have time to get a new prescription. I can’t tell what those pictures even are, much less which ones have bikes in them.
These are the perils of using a smartphone instead of a tablet or laptop.
And sorry I’m picking on you, Allen. I know you’ll understand and take one for the team.
What REALLY sucks is that I could really make this post shine with funny pictures, memes, or GIFs but I can’t figure that shit out on WordPress on my phone.
So my words will have to be enough. All 584 of them.
Sorry this was so lame. Until Friday, my friends!
No apology needed. You wrote 584 words while do a face mask. Your words had me smiling. The picture in my head made me laugh. Love you!
Thank you, my friend! Love you too!
I’ve been going back and forth between “The Assassination of Gianni Versace”, DS9 and “The Story of God” by Morgan Freeman lately. I’m not religious, but it’s Morgan fucking Freeman. I’d watch him read the telephone book.
If it’s Morgan Freeman, you HAVE to watch it! Guess that’s going to have to be next on my list!
Funny story – that happens on my blog now because a spammer tried to comment on one post 400 times within the span of 6 hours one day. 🤣 I totally understand why it’s annoying, though!
I totally get why you do it. I may have to do the same thing if I ever get that much spam. I’ve been pretty lucky and have only had a few “spams” here and there. I don’t mind so much when I’m on the desktop or laptop, but on my phone, I couldn’t see the pictures! LOL
Kat, Kudos for writing a real post and getting it to actually post from your phone. I’ve tried that before and I’m still in tears about it! Also, I feel your pain because I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to post on a blog and was stopped dead in my tracks because, apparently, I can’t pick out a .02 mm fire hydrant in a stupid picture. Recaptcha may be a necessary evil, but it is hell on my eyes and frustrating as hell! Lastly, thanks for putting out a post, because I was going to go to bed at 12:30, but then I realized that it was Tuesday, so I waited up until I ready your blog first! I am so addicted! Mona
By the way, when I wrote “I ready your blog first” that, apparently, was just some Italian accent I was channeling that came out. LOL Mona
We’re all Italian here! 🙂
I actually had YOU in mind when I realized I needed to post something! You are my Tuesday 1:00 a.m. alarm! LOL
Thank you! I love you too, Kat!
If I was ever going to try that, I’d definitely have to get a bigger phone–tablet sized, say!. Also, in Week 205, I wrote about the Nothing Box–sounds like your HD is as familiar with that place as Ken!
I’ll have to go read that one! 🙂
I can’t. I just can’t blog on my phone, so huzzah! to your superior typing skills. And for convincing your husband you were listening and interested in what he had to say. That’ shit’s hard work!
And as for annoying? I’m going to add the fact that I have to type out my name, email and website every time I comment here.
Like right now…
Yes, I know. I’m annoyed too. I don’t know why it doesn’t save that stuff. I have to do it every time I comment on someone else’s blog too! 🙁