Happy Tuesday, friends.
So, first, I want to apologize for leaving you on Friday with such a heavy post. I usually like to make my Friday posts light and funny as possible, but as one of my blogging buddies pointed out, life isn’t always light and funny. Friday’s post was cathartic and much needed.
I love that my blog is a place where people go to forget about real life and their problems for a bit, but I’m also glad that occasionally you get to see I’m a real human being and I’ve got baggage just like you.
I’d like to think my baggage is all Louis Vuitton, but let’s face it, life is not all glamorous!
I want to thank all of you who took a moment to reach out to me, whether you were commenting on my blog, commenting on my personal Facebook page, or sent me a DM. I was a little disheartened to learn how many of you have had the same experience with long-time friends and how many of you have experienced the isolation and turmoil that kind of situation can produce. At the same time, I was touched by how many of you made comments about not realizing how something like that can affect somebody and vowing to be a better friend by listening without judgement. If sharing my story can lessen one person’s pain, then it was worth feeling so vulnerable when I posted it!
With that being said, I was so busy this weekend that I didn’t get a blog post written for today.
I was busy because I took down all the inside Christmas decorations by myself. I usually have help with this, but The Husband Dude was having work done on his motorcycle and doing other manly things like man-gossiping and saying “man” and “dude” a lot while eating greasy food and farting or whatever the hell men do when they get together.
I could’ve asked Shane for help but he was busy “relaxing” after a grueling two-day week of school, Snapchatting with his girlfriend, and playing Call of Duty Triceratops, or whatever the hell teenage boys play remotely with each other via the internets.
So I went out to the Man Cave, which also happens to be our junk room garage, and got on a step ladder and pulled down boxes without killing myself, but totally killing my New Year’s Resolution to quit cussing as much as I shouted “FUCK MY LIFE” every time something fell on my head.
Just kidding. I would never resolve to cuss less.
Anyway, THD got home and made a comment about what was for dinner and we had one of those marital moments that could go seriously wrong. He has been married to me long enough, however, to know when to hold ’em and when to fold ’em, so he folded ’em and bought me tacos, and all was right in the world. I seriously could’ve used a margarita, though.
Just saying.
On a side note, I realized that Mr. Luna may have broken a couple of branches on my artificial tree. He makes it an annual game to climb the tree (as most cats do) and we have to secure the tree to the wall so that he doesn’t knock the whole thing over. I guess he tried climbing up the back and a couple of the branches are now permanently saggy and won’t pop back up again, which really pisses me off because the tree is only a couple of years old.
I didn’t booby trap the tree like I usually do. Mr. Luna is terrified of plastic grocery sacks and all you have to do is shake one at him and it makes him run. One year, I placed several sacks under the tree skirt and strategically in different parts of the tree and when he would approach the tree, it would rattle and scare him. I should’ve done that this time, but I really wanted to try to enjoy my tree without it looking like an advertisement for not littering.
This is him being extremely smug.
I spent the rest of the weekend doing laundry and binge-watching Netflix. I will probably be writing a blog soon about what I’ve been watching, so keep an eye out for that.
Until next time…stay weird, my friends. Normal is boring!
And now we return you to our regularly scheduled program…
Great post, Kat! Mr. Luna is adorable! I am almost caught up with laundry. The tree and decorations will be coming down tomorrow. Maybe. I expect to be fully caught up with everything that’s been put off over the last two months sometime in late March; and will start my new year off on April 1. Maybe. Tomorrow (actually later on today since I’m typing this at 1:30 a.m.), my poor computer is going back into the shop. So I thought I’d comment while I can because God knows when I’ll get my computer back and my phone doesn’t let me comment on other people’s blogs! If it ain’t one thing, then…you know the rest! Mona
I’ve definitely had those years where my new year didn’t start until April, Mona! Hope your computer gets fixed pronto!
I don’t know why, but I mentally envisioned you shaking a plastic bag at your cat and I burst out laughing. Scared the shit out of JoJo. LOL
It’s pretty hilarious to watch! 🙂
The same thing happened to us the first Christmas we had Bella and Tony, because they were 8 mos old kittens at the time and wanted to play with the tree (which they’d never seen before). I managed to hide the fact that we had a borked up limb last year by more or less holding it up with a length of tinsel garland. Hubs saw it this Christmas when he went to go put the tree up and said “Huh. It’s broken. Guess we need a new one.”
Our last tree was old when we got the cat, and he finished it off. I thought this one would be a little more sturdy, but I guess you can never underestimate the determination of an asshole. I mean cat.
I have to put a gate & whatever else is necessary to keep our dog, Ebbie, away from the Christmas tree. It’s not so much the tree but the decorative tree skirt with fun things on it that she would love to chew off. It tends to detract from the beauty of the tree when you have to block it off with a gate, chair, etc. I will be glad when she outgrows chewing on everything but she is now 2 yrs old so…..
Laura, I had to do the same thing when Cleo and Kova were puppies. Once they got over the chewing hump, they left it alone! Now it’s just the cat. LOL