I spent three hours last night writing a blog post, uploading and editing pictures, and getting ready to publish for today.
Then I read it one last time and it was total crap. It sounded a lot funnier in my head than it ended up being on the page. Of course, some might argue that’s true of ALL my blog posts but clearly this one was a big turd because I ended up deleting all of it.
So frustrating!
I really wanted to have a post up before the weekend. I decided what better way to mark the weekend than to review some of the best ways to waste the last thirty minutes on a Friday at work? Some of these may or may not be based on personal experience and others are based on my observations of others.
Choose one and try it out today! My apologies to employers everywhere…
Go to the bathroom and hide. I used to have a guy on my team that turned this into an art form. His shift ended at 5:30 every day. Like clockwork, at 5:05, he disappeared from his desk. When other coworkers started making comments about seeing him hiding in the restroom, he got smart slightly more “clever” and started using the restroom on the first floor instead of up on the second floor where we were. Magically, at 5:27, he’d appear back at his desk and sign out of his computer. If the boss happened to be gone, his restroom sabbatical would usually start at 4:45. If the boss happened to be gone all day, you just knew this guy was going to be taking thirty minute breaks away from all he internet surfing he was doing. You know, because shopping on BestBuy.com is tiring.
Go stare at the vending machine. Like, I know I don’t need any flaming hot Cheetos right now because I’m going home in a few minutes and eating dinner, but consuming 250 extra calories and having diarrhea later just seems like a better idea than answering phones.
Practical jokes. I’ve witnessed some good ones over the years. When you’re on a later shift, there’s a slight resentment good-natured fondness for those who have earlier shifts. Passive-Aggressiveness is the calling card of an office worker, so I guess practical jokes on those who have already left for the day are just par for the course. I’ve witnessed everything from totally rearranging an OCD coworker’s desk, to setting up a fake video camera to make it look like someone was being “watched”.
Sometimes the jokes aren’t just reserved for late hours of the day. We had an entire team buy a doorbell and hide it in their boss’ office. A couple of the team members had the buttons hidden at their desks and randomly pushed them throughout the day. It took days for the supervisor to finally find the chime hidden in his office.
Just don’t take it too far, like the guy who got fired when he was in training at Corporate and decided to get drunk and pay a personal visit to the CEO. That’s a quick ticket to the unemployment line.
Here’s some inspiration if you need it.
And finally, my personal favorite. Anybody know where I can get a bear? I want to try this!
Stay weird, my friends. Normal is boring!
In case you missed it, read my post about things to love/hate about the office.
Took bad I don’t have a picture of when we wrapped Teresa’s desk in Newspaper. Good times.
I’d love to see that again!
I came to work one day & my keyboard letters had all been rearranged & spelling out different things. I was like “uh can I remember where the original keys go to even log in to my computer” lol. Luckily they had just used an old keyboard so easy fix. But I am thinking about doing that to someone where I work now, he he
OMG! So funny! I don’t know if I would remember where all the letters are either!
I was working the Katrina call center, 12 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Made news freinds until I left for the day and found my car wrapped in toilet paper. And even funnier, the next day I found out they had to break into several of the locked toilet paper holders in the bathoom to get the toilet paper.
And yes I wriped it off and left it in the parking lot.
Ha! I’d leave the toilet paper there too!
Bahaha!!! I remember doing funny things when I worked at the credit union!
Every birthday we would do stuff like this! My favorite was putting the receipt paper in backwards so when it went to print it printed nothing! Or putting rubber bands in the drawer where the till was supposed to be!
My favorite was when “ Atem Cash “ was popular at TTCU and there was a giant cut out. At closing we would take him and put him in the ladies bathroom bc we had a coworker come in in the mornings! Scared the crap out of her. 😂😂😂😂
That happened to me in college, except it was a real dude and he was getting out of our shower (we lived in an all girls dorm). Hee hee!
Great Job Baby 💖